We are what we do
Our family has been cultivating olive trees for 232 years. We are already the tenth generation that continues the family legacy. Men and women united by an unconditional love for this land, its fruits and its nature.
For centuries, this has been the basis of all the decisions we have made, always with a single goal in mind: to offer the highest quality of our extra virgin olive oils. and the health of our extra virgin olive oils.

The oil is the memory that is transmitted from generation to generation in our family, a reflection of the culture of effort, work and perseverance that makes us want to reach excellence

We are unique, we are excellent
Priordei was born in 1789. This is the year of the French Revolution; of the proclamation of the first Constitution of the United States; of the publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. It is the year that Miquel Badia was born, promoter of the first train line in the State, which will link Mataró and Barcelona.
A year full of symbols
In Barcelona and in many Catalan cities the bread revolt breaks out, a minor echo of the revolution in France. There are harsh clashes between the security forces and the population over the high price of bread, the result of a period of bad harvests.
1789 is a year full of symbology, illustrating a social, political and economic transformation from which today as a society we still reap the fruits.
Our founding moment, when our ancestors decided to plant olive trees instead of vineyards, does not have the epic of those historical moments, although today the profession of peasant has a point of heroism.
Persist, innovate, explore
Priordei is today the result of a collective effort of ten generations that have crossed the border of time lines to leave a legacy to the country and in the last batch of the family lineage. A legacy that is synthesized in:
To persist
Until achieving excellence in our product, the result of the experience provided by experience and contact with the land.
Walking on paths that have not been traveled before; creating links with actors from the gastronomic world and other producers; exploiting the potential of a fruit like the olive.
To explore
Because quality products have no barriers and because we are driven by a spirit of transformation
and country pride.
We are from a land, we are from a country
We are all more from where we come from than where we are going. Our oil has been produced in a privileged space in Catalonia, one of the most dynamic European regions in the south of the continent. Our olive trees sway with the wind that blows through the rugged orography of the Sierra de Montsant Natural Park, in the southern regions of the Principality.
The Serra del Montsant is a place of peace, where the olive trees age in peace, away from any environmental contamination, sound or light.
The space is of particular beauty. Olive trees spill into cliffs, ravines and gorges, taking human activity to places hard to imagine. The earth macerates the roots of our trees with mild winters and summers of dry and intense heat. Sometimes the low fog generates a ghostly landscape, dominated by large stones that seem to watch over the paths.

Today defending that it is necessary to reconnect with the land, beyond fashions, and learn to cultivate it and live from its fruits is revolutionary

A fertile territory rich in pleasurable experiences for the senses and gastronomy
The Sierra del Montsant Natural Park is the heart of the Priorat region. The mountain literally splits in two: El Priorat del Vino and El Priorat del Oli, which speaks to us of a fertile territory rich in pleasurable experiences for the senses and gastronomy.
Our natural heritage is completed by an important architectural heritage, closely linked to the religious evolution of the Charterhouse of Scala Dei, located on the edge of the protected natural area, the first monastery of the order of San Bruno established in the entire Iberian Peninsula. La Cartuja was a tool for repopulating the territory after the Saracen occupation, at the same time acting as a space for spiritual rest, where silence and recollection temper the heart and mind.